- February 13, 2018
- Posted by: Administrator2
- Categories: Current News, Daily lfe, Holiday, Special Offers, Uganda News

Home of cultures in the heart of Kampala
Ndere Cultural Centre. The name Ndere comes from a local dialect ‘endere’, which literally means a flute. The centre uses a flute as its symbol of choice and inspiration, because just like the red blood that flows in all bodies of the living despite of the existence of the human external variances, the flute is the only musical instrument used by all world cultures. Therefore because of this flute, the centre can easily create a world filled with peace, and harmony through the soothing, beautiful and dynamic music to take care of different emotions and moods.
The centre’s vision is “to rekindle, rehabilitate, galvanize, promote and sustain the positive sense of pride, confidence, self-reliance and efficacy of the Ugandan (African) person as a respectable, rightful, equal, admirable, responsible, relevant and contributing member of the global human family”. Ndere cultural Centre is a proud home of Cultures, Ndere Troupe and headquarter for Uganda Development Theater Association (UDTA). The cultural centre currently sits on 9 acres of well-preserved green, beautifully flowered path ways and shaded by magnificent mature shrubs and other African tree species. The unique architecture is a continuous combination of artistic creativity with infrequency that takes African forms, materials, style and construction to unprecedented heights. This generates reasonable ample space and tranquility to enable one enjoy a myriad of cultural activities at Ndere centre while on a short tour or cultural safari in Kampala.
Cultural nights at Ndere.
The Ndere Troupe performs the soothing cultural songs, dances and uses unique musical instruments drawn from over 56 African tribes, weaves them with humorously informative stories and displays them in an authentic but stylistically developed presentation every Wednesday and Friday at 7pm, and Sundays at 6pm at a modest cost.
Accommodation in exclusively a relaxing experience.
Ndere cultural centre offers visitors with serene and comfortable accommodation facilities in very quiet and tranquil environment; the spacious and endless fountain of fresh air will give you the perfect holiday experience for both individuals and groups. These range from ensuite single beds, double beds, twin or triple beds, Chalets (cottages) etc. in the heart of Uganda’s capital, Kampala.
It is a calm and peaceful environment where functions and any other corporates events like weddings, meetings, conferences, workshops, cultural gallas, festivals etc. can be staged as well.
Food Feasts.
Every Wednesday, Sunday and Friday evenings, the Ndere Troupe performs and there is always a feast at the centre. The BBQs (every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evening) will give you permanent nostalgia and unending desire of an exclusive Uganda’s cuisine and Ndere centre remains the capital of cultural tours in Uganda.
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